Hours: Monday – Friday 6:00am-6:00pm

CHURUBUSCO — Michelle Hecht has been named the new director of the Churubusco Child Care Center at 111 Home Ave. She began her new job on March 14.


Michelle Hecht is the new director at the Churubusco Child Care Center.

Hecht has been in the child care business since 1999, with the bulk of that time spent as a director. Prior to coming to Churubusco, she worked as the director and district manager of Carepointe Academy in southwest Fort Wayne for 10 years.

Her immediate goal is to grow the center, Hecht said.

“I want parents to know the great things we do here at the center, teaching their children and growing their children,” Hecht said.

Currently, 130 children are enrolled at the center, which has the capacity to care for another 21 children. In addition to Hecht, the center employs 21 teachers and has room for more, Hecht said.


Two-year-olds are awed by the sight of a bigger-than-life Cookie Monster from Sesame Street, held by Margie Herron, the assistant director of the Churubusco Child Care Center.

The not-for-profit center has a board of seven that meets once a month. In the near future, Hecht hopes to apply for extra grants to fund some new music programs for the center’s children, she said. Child care costs are not only comparable, but much less at the Churubusco Center than in nearby Fort Wayne, Hecht said. A day camp is held every week during the summer and offers a variety of activities, field trips and programs for all ages. “Our day camp is $118 per week per child, compared to $145 in Fort Wayne,” Hecht said.

Regular child care rates are also less than many other area day care centers, she said. Families with more than one child receive a sibling discount of 15 percent.

For a tour of the center, call Hecht or assistant director, Margie Herron at 693-2966.

By: Vivian Sade
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