Welcome to the Churubusco Community Child Care Center where children learn, laugh, and love. We pride ourselves on providing a safe, nurturing, and educational environment. We are a nonprofit child care center serving children ages 6 weeks through 12 years. The Center is licensed by the State of Indiana through Family and Social Services Administration, Division of Family & Children, and follows the policies and guidelines set by the state and by Paths to Quality, which we currently maintain a Level 3 status. Please call to schedule a tour.
Support the Care & Education of the Next Generation.
Our Programs

From 6 weeks of age, till 1 year and walking.

From 1 year and walking, till 2 years. And from 2 years, to 3 years old and potty trained.

Three’s/Young Pre-K
From 3 years old and potty trained, to 4 years old.

From 4 years old, to 5 years old.

School Age
From Kindergarten to 5th grade, or your child’s 13th birthday.

Music Enrichment
Infants through Pre-K receive a weekly opportunity to enjoy development through music.
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